[Esip-machinelearning] ESIP Machine Learning Cluster Monthly Meeting Reminder - 12:00PM EST (Apr 21)

Ziheng Sun zsun at gmu.edu
Fri Apr 7 10:29:19 EDT 2023

Dear Everyone,


We will host our monthly meeting at 12:00PM EST, Friday Apr 21. Here is the agenda:

We are very glad to have Prof. Sebnem Düzgün to give us a talk on AI in the mining industry.
Talk Title: Machine Learning and AI in geothermal exploration
Speaker: Prof. Sebnem Düzgün
Prof. Düzgün Recent Publication on AI:
Evaluation of time series artificial intelligence models for real-time/near-real-time methane prediction in coal mines https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19236026.2022.2072664
Prof. Düzgün’s Bio attached.
  *   ESIP Summer Meeting Planning
  *   Anything else?

The meeting notes is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NrnKP3KUBwKYDyVTXrTVBYg_yH3FmYbzsEiSQ6De5Ro/edit?usp=sharing

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 5717 3454
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All the best,

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