[Esip-marinedata] Marine Data Cluster - 2019-06-27 - COAPS Ocean Winds Data (Deep Dive)

Carolina Berys-Gonzalez cberysgonzalez at ucsd.edu
Wed Jun 26 12:05:43 EDT 2019

*Topic*: The COAPS Simplified Daily Scatterometer Swath Product and Tool
*Time: Thursday, 2019-06-27, 10:30 PST (17:30 UTC)*

Hello all,

Please join us this week for the second presentation on winds data
management at COAPS. Jocelyn Elya (yes, our own Marine Data Cluster chair!)
will be presenting on the topic "The COAPS Simplified Daily Scatterometer
Swath Product and Tool":

Ocean winds swath netCDF datasets vary widely in their naming conventions,
data types, parameter and metadata inclusions, and quality flag
conventions, making it difficult for researchers to use these datasets
together in a consistent way. The COAPS Simplified Daily Scatterometer
Swath Dataset aims to solve these problems by creating ocean winds swath
netCDF products in a near-uniform format for select popular ocean
winds datasets.
Rationale, product features, user tools, and future improvements will be

This topic is a continuation from the 2019-06-13 call, which was the broad
introduction to the topic and you can see that recording and meeting notes
here: Applications of Satellite Winds Observations, Dr. Mark Bourassa, FSU

This week's presentation will focus more on the data manager's perspective,
and how specific data problems have been addressed with the COAPS
Simplified Daily Scatterometer product.

Hope to see you tomorrow!


*Connection Information via GoToMeeting:This group will convene every month
on the second and fourth Thursday10:30 AM Pacific Time, 1:30 PM Eastern
Time, 17:30 UTC*

Marine Data

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121 <+13127573121,,157892821>

Access Code: 157-892-821

First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:

Carolina Berys-Gonzalez
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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