[Esip-marinedata] Marine Data Cluster - 2024-08-08 - July ESIP Meeting Wrap-up

Joseph Gum jgum at ucar.edu
Mon Jul 29 12:58:32 EDT 2024

Hello everyone,

The Marine Data Cluster will have a call next week to discuss the ESIP July
meeting that just happened and follow up discussions started in Asheville,
including the DMP Tool session and the Sustainable Data Management
Cluster's CARE Principles session we helped with.

We hope to follow up on conversations started there and share information
to those that were unable to attend the July meeting.

Thank you,
MDC Admin


*Connection Information via Zoom:This group will convene every month on the
second Thursday11:00 AM Pacific Time, 2:00 PM Eastern Time, 18:00 UTC*

Marine Data
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