[Esip-openscience] OS cluster telecon

Hewson, Jenny (GSFC-423.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov
Thu Aug 25 15:59:47 EDT 2022

Dear Open Science clusterers-

Thank you to everyone who was able to join our monthly open science cluster telecon this week, the recording is available here<https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/rec/share/8Nfwy3nPuQ6Gcg-G7QT7A7990x76XruvecKG_escDyvAsyD47_ZyzmwV6wJRczti.onu0iocw6ozqqRlS?startTime=1661271621000> for those who could not join.

We covered a summary of the recent open science session, Building a Thriving Open Science Community, held at the ESIP meeting in Pittsburgh. One of the outputs from the session was an 'emerging trends in open science' mindmap generated through an interactive process aimed at capturing the ESIP community's perspectives. The wealth of information garnered and captured in the mindmap is impressive and, during a further session, the mindmap was drilled down into groupings/quadrants that include: social factors, who to engage, tools and collaboration, and outputs.

@Mark Parsons<mailto:map0046 at uah.edu>, @Thornton, Michele<mailto:thorntonmm at ornl.gov> and @Stacie Robinson - NOAA Federal<mailto:stacie.robinson at noaa.gov> each volunteered to take a quadrant, noodle it further, and translate it to a digital format. Thanks so much to Mark, Michele, and Stacie.  The outputs from their noodling and translating are included in slides 9, 11, and 13 of the telecon's slide deck, here<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/162IzwGmo-YLhXNxud367903goYlSY7WS9jIswbGJEHc/edit#slide=id.g73a20c6a17_2_163>. The google docs that we use to track meetings is available here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/13sRtd7R3aMVoqxiWqPOTSXJjt0DOSeh_/edit#heading=h.7y0ue5wkpt7e> (if you did participate in the telecon this week and did not have the opportunity to add your name to the doc, please feel free to do so).

There are a couple of action items from this week's telecon:

  1.  For those in the telecon, you will remember that we used three mentimeters to capture your interest in contributing to a specific quadrant, or theme within a quadrant (i.e. where you have energy). Please can you look at the output from the mentimeters (included in the google doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/13sRtd7R3aMVoqxiWqPOTSXJjt0DOSeh_/edit> on p3 (social factors), p5 (who to engage), p7 (tools and collaboration)) and let us know which 'blue dots' are yours - i.e. where do you want to contribute? You can either email @Hewson, Jenny (GSFC-423.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC]<mailto:jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov> or @Hall, Cynthia R. (GSFC-613.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC]<mailto:cynthia.r.hall at nasa.gov>, or add your information to the table on p9 of the google doc (with your initials).
  2.  @matthew.biddle at noaa.gov<mailto:matthew.biddle at noaa.gov> suggested one specific activity that the cluster could generate and that is to write recommendations for how agencies can incentivize open science. This is a great suggestion and, if you have interest in contributing to this, please either email @Hewson, Jenny (GSFC-423.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC]<mailto:jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov> or @Hall, Cynthia R. (GSFC-613.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC]<mailto:cynthia.r.hall at nasa.gov>, or add your information to the table on p9 of the google doc (with your initials).


Jenny and Cyndi

Preferred name: Jenny Hewson
jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov<mailto:jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov>
C: 443.474.3244

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