[Esip-openscience] OS cluster telecon

Stacie Robinson - NOAA Federal stacie.robinson at noaa.gov
Thu Aug 25 20:01:01 EDT 2022

Hi Open Science fans -
I just saw this news release - perhaps answering this call for greater
access to federal research will help add direction / oomph / attention to
the cluster's efforts.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 10:01 AM Hewson, Jenny (GSFC-423.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS
AND APPLICATIONS INC] <jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov> wrote:

> Dear Open Science clusterers-
> Thank you to everyone who was able to join our monthly open science
> cluster telecon this week, the recording is available here
> <https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/rec/share/8Nfwy3nPuQ6Gcg-G7QT7A7990x76XruvecKG_escDyvAsyD47_ZyzmwV6wJRczti.onu0iocw6ozqqRlS?startTime=1661271621000>
> for those who could not join.
> We covered a summary of the recent open science session, * Building a
> Thriving Open Science Community*, held at the ESIP meeting in Pittsburgh.
> One of the outputs from the session was an ‘emerging trends in open
> science’ mindmap generated through an interactive process aimed at
> capturing the ESIP community’s perspectives. The wealth of information
> garnered and captured in the mindmap is impressive and, during a further
> session, the mindmap was drilled down into groupings/quadrants that
> include: social factors, who to engage, tools and collaboration, and
> outputs.
> @Mark Parsons <map0046 at uah.edu>, @Thornton, Michele <thorntonmm at ornl.gov>
> and @Stacie Robinson - NOAA Federal <stacie.robinson at noaa.gov> each
> volunteered to take a quadrant, noodle it further, and translate it to a
> digital format. Thanks so much to Mark, Michele, and Stacie.  The outputs
> from their noodling and translating are included in slides 9, 11, and 13 of
> the telecon’s slide deck, here
> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/162IzwGmo-YLhXNxud367903goYlSY7WS9jIswbGJEHc/edit#slide=id.g73a20c6a17_2_163>.
> The google docs that we use to track meetings is available here
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/13sRtd7R3aMVoqxiWqPOTSXJjt0DOSeh_/edit#heading=h.7y0ue5wkpt7e>
> (if you did participate in the telecon this week and did not have the
> opportunity to add your name to the doc, please feel free to do so).
> There are a couple of action items from this week’s telecon:
>    1. For those in the telecon, you will remember that we used three
>    mentimeters to capture your interest in contributing to a specific
>    quadrant, or theme within a quadrant (i.e. where you have energy). Please
>    can you look at the output from the mentimeters (included in the google
>    doc
>    <https://docs.google.com/document/d/13sRtd7R3aMVoqxiWqPOTSXJjt0DOSeh_/edit>
>    on p3 (social factors), p5 (who to engage), p7 (tools and collaboration))
>    and let us know which ‘blue dots’ are yours – i.e. where do you want to
>    contribute? You can either email @Hewson, Jenny (GSFC-423.0)[SCIENCE
>    SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] <jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov> or @Hall,
>    <cynthia.r.hall at nasa.gov>, or add your information to the table on p9
>    of the google doc (with your initials).
>    2. @matthew.biddle at noaa.gov <matthew.biddle at noaa.gov> suggested one
>    specific activity that the cluster could generate and that is to write
>    recommendations for how agencies can incentivize open science. This is a
>    great suggestion and, if you have interest in contributing to this, please
>    either email @Hewson, Jenny (GSFC-423.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND
>    APPLICATIONS INC] <jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov> or @Hall, Cynthia R.
>    <cynthia.r.hall at nasa.gov>, or add your information to the table on p9
>    of the google doc (with your initials).
> Thanks
> Jenny and Cyndi
> Preferred name: Jenny Hewson
> she/her/hers
> jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov
> C: 443.474.3244

Stacie J. Robinson, PhD
Research Ecologist
Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program

1845 WASP Blvd., Building 176
Honolulu, HI 96818
Cell phone: 608-630-0541
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