[Esip-preserve] Data Nomination Tool: Dates, times, and domain name

Reid Boehm rboehm at jhu.edu
Tue Oct 16 16:05:40 EDT 2018

Hi All,
I am writing today after the first organizing meeting yesterday to send out two items to get us all on the same page going forward.

*         The first is a Doodle Poll to designate a day and time for a bi-weekly check in meeting. The weeks we don't have meetings, we can check in with an email on the day and time just to make sure we are all on the same page and to communicate any issues. Please note that the dates specify next week when we will have the first meeting, but this date and time would continue through until AGU.
Here is the Doodle Poll: https://doodle.com/poll/f729ctw5prb7qcws

*         The second is that we need to pick a domain name for the tool. Joan has listed several choices. Please choose your top three using this Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/QpbOryJ8WoekH1kg2

Please let me know if you have any questions or trouble with the forms. Also please forward to those I have left out that should be included.
We need to have these filled out by Friday the 19th of October.



Reid I Boehm, PhD
Pronouns: she, her
Data Management Consultant, Johns Hopkins University

Email: rboehm at jhu.edu<mailto:rboehm at jhu.edu>  Office: 410-516-5957
http://dms.data.jhu.edu<http://dms.data.jhu.edu/> - Join our mailing list<mailto:sympa at lists.johnshopkins.edu?subject=subscribe%20dmsdatamanagement>!
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5474-0253

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