[Esip-preserve] possible data stewardship idea

Elisha Wood-Charlson emwood-charlson at lbl.gov
Wed Nov 29 14:27:43 EST 2023

Aloha ESIP data stewardship committee!

As I often ask too many questions about data and the research process
during ESIP calls, Megan asked me if I would be willing to present a
possible project to this group - as something we could consider working on
for the rest of the year's term.

I drafted some ideas into a G-doc here
The main goal would be to
*explore what is necessary to link ESIP data streams in meaningful ways
that support accurate navigation across the data landscape, by humans and
machines (AI/ML). *

*Proposed Scope of Effort*

   1. Identify ESIP groups, committees, members that work on use case topic
   (e.g., wildfires)
   2. Set up community interviews to learn about their Qs and data sources
   3. Establish small cross-data source teams to explore metadata required
   to support data integration/interoperability
   4. Prep a ESIP summer meeting session to report out, get feedback - what
   are we missing to make connection, what data sources would others need to
   address additional Qs
   5. Draft report on process and finding and determine if useful/relevant
   to try to apply to other use cases, scale

Happy to field any questions, ideas, thoughts.

Elisha M Wood-Charlson, PhD (she/her)
KBase <https://kbase.us/> User Engagement Lead; @DOEKBase
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/elishawc>, Twitter
<https://twitter.com/ElishaMariePhD> (personal)

Want to get credit for more than just a publication? Check out our *10
simple rules on getting and giving credit for data
and then let me know so we can help you publish data in KBase.
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