[Esip-sample-curation] Review of SPNHC 2022 poster
Sarah Ramdeen
sramdeen at ldeo.columbia.edu
Fri May 13 17:57:00 EDT 2022
Wow. Thank you all for helping complete the poster. You all are amazing
and I really appreciate it. I am going to consider the poster complete and
submit it to SPNHC, but if anyone sees any critical errors, let me know and
I can see if I can replace it.
Thanks again!
On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 9:32 AM Sarah Ramdeen <sramdeen at ldeo.columbia.edu>
> Hello Everyone,
> As a reminder, the cluster has a poster at the SPNHC 2022 meeting in
> June. The poster is on our sample sharing guidelines. The abstract is
> copied below.
> The poster session will be virtual, and* the poster is due to SPNHC later
> today*. If you have time, please review the current draft and make any
> edits, suggestions, or comments. We haven't quite finished the poster so
> it may be a bit rough, any feedback would be appreciated.
> I would say the main function of this poster is to raise awareness in the
> natural history collections community about our efforts on sample sharing
> guidelines, and to encourage them to comment on our draft (*I will make a
> different public version that is comment only to link to on the poster*)
> or to join our monthly calls to contribute to the effort.
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WFZxiYaIq2ao-yEcn7oMakIylvBgd1WoL1a2qVinJgw/edit?usp=sharing
> Thanks!
> Sarah
> Abstract:
> Specimen and sample citation is a complex topic. Journals have varying
> recommendations for listing materials examined; there are varying standards
> for listing specimen identifiers; and some journals still do not provide
> space for listing all materials examined in a sufficiently detailed manner.
> However, while it is challenging, citation is also crucial for making
> samples and specimens a part of the research data ecosystem. Citation
> makes specimens more accessible for reuse, helps support the
> reproducibility of studies that use specimens, and is important in
> measuring the impact of natural history collections.
> The Earth Science Information Partners’s (ESIP) Physical Samples Curation
> Cluster is currently working to develop author guidelines and
> recommendations for physical samples (including natural history specimens).
> The Physical Samples Curation Cluster is a forum for the community
> supporting physical samples in the earth, space, and environmental sciences
> which includes but is not limited to geological, marine and biological
> samples and specimens.These guidelines are intended to help journals and
> publishers communicate expectations for authors. Our aim is to improve the
> discoverability of specimens/samples in the future such that they can be
> used by all researchers, from sample generation to sample use and
> understanding. Our group is developing these guidelines through monthly
> calls and at twice yearly ESIP meetings. We hope to be done by July – but
> we need the help of the SPNHC community.
> In this presentation, we will share our progress to date and solicit
> feedback on our guidelines. We plan to have our first draft of guidelines
> available by May and input from the SPNHC community will be crucial in
> ensuring that these guidelines are broadly applicable. We are working with
> the American Geophysical Union (AGU) as the first adopter and model for
> these guidelines but hope they will be of use to other communities. We are
> reaching out to the SPNHC community to learn more about your concerns and
> priorities related to biodiversity specimen citation which might be
> incorporated into the guidelines or community specific variations.
> Andrea K. Thomer | University of Michigan School of Information |
> athomer at umich.edu
> Adam Mansur | Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History |
> mansura at si.edu
> Lesley Wyborn | Australian National Data Service |
> lesley.wyborn at ardc.edu.au
> Chris Erdmann | American Geophysical Union | cerdmann at agu.org
> Shelley Stall | American Geophysical Union | sstall at agu.org
> --
> Dr. Sarah Ramdeen
> Postdoctoral Research Scientist
> <https://www.earth.columbia.edu/users/profile/sarah-elisabeth-ramdeen>
> Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
> ORCiD: 0000-0003-1135-5942 <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1135-5942>
> Projects: System for Earth Sample Registration <http://geosamples.org/>
> (SESAR), iSamples <http://isamples.org/>, Sampling Nature RCN
> <http://samplingnature.org/>
Dr. Sarah Ramdeen
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
ORCiD: 0000-0003-1135-5942 <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1135-5942>
Projects: System for Earth Sample Registration <http://geosamples.org/>
(SESAR), iSamples <http://isamples.org/>, Sampling Nature RCN
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