[Esip-sample-curation] Update on ESIP Sample Cluster Activities
Joan Damerow
JoanDamerow at lbl.gov
Thu Jun 8 15:20:24 EDT 2023
Hi all,
We need to cancel next week's cluster meeting, and are therefore revising
our plan for upcoming discussions (see below). Instead of meeting next
week, we want to encourage you all to please contribute to the sample
sharing guidance document
We have particularly been working on the identifier, metadata, and
archiving sections recently (which we need to simplify and cut down). And,
will also work more on referencing samples section in the coming weeks
before our June 27 meeting. As we will discuss in upcoming meetings, our
plan is to submit an associated paper on this (in addition to submitting to
AGU journals as a guidance document), and of course all who contribute will
be listed as co-authors.
Plan for upcoming cluster meetings:
June 27 (5 pm ET): Discuss finalizing sample sharing guidelines and
presentation on this for the ESIP summer meeting
Assign and use identifiers for samples
Describe samples
Archive samples and data
Reference/cite samples used in papers
July 11 (12 pm ET): Planning ESIP session
Week of July 18: Summer Meeting! There are two sample sessions,
scheduled for the following times
1. How can we connect and track use of physical samples and associated
data? - Wed July 19 2 pm ET
2. SESAR and IGSN updates - Thurs, July 20 at 4:30 pm ET
Thank you for your participation, and we look forward to seeing many of you
in cluster meetings, and in-person at the ESIP summer meeting!
Best regards,
ESIP Sample Curation Cluster co-chairs
Joan Damerow
Val Stanley
Andrea Thomer
Joan E. Damerow
Research Scientist
Earth & Environmental Sciences Area
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 1:01 PM Joan Damerow <JoanDamerow at lbl.gov> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We want to provide an update on activities and plans for the Physical
> Samples Curation Cluster in the coming weeks leading up to the ESIP summer
> meeting in July. Here is what we are working on, and need your continued
> participation in:
> -
> Finalize sample guidance document (note that we recently created a new
> version): Physical Samples and Sample Related Data Sharing Guidance
> for Authors Submitting to AGU journals
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pifZ2_Y2PmDpNqKbjI0LFnd82YeM1ea97eEweLMkyxE/edit#>.
> The goal of this document is to provide basic recommendations to authors
> submitting sample-related papers to make their samples and associated data
> more FAIR. We specifically address 1) assigning identifiers, 2) describing
> samples, 3) archiving samples and data, and 4) referencing/citing samples.
> We need a complete draft of this document before the summer meeting, and
> will provide a summary of all recommendations in the meeting. We need help
> with this: please let us know if you can claim a particular section (see
> topics below for June 13 and 27), and/or provide a general review of the
> document.
> -
> Associated paper (this will be our next activity that will expand on
> the guidance to discuss needs to enable sample use tracking): A Guide to
> Planning and Publishing Sample Related Research, and Needs for Sample Use
> Tracking (Link to outline
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/15AQOMJjvRN6mur0DPbzBLmRpgYOCur8BqEkWN4LaCuU/edit#>
> ).
> -
> ESIP Summer Meeting Sessions - we just submitted two proposals for
> samples, will follow up when we have more info on what is accepted for the
> meeting.
> -
> How can we connect and track use of physical samples and associated
> data
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SmFa6RZ19-9ospmxtbFvS2AVuEixgl6od3-u1lT7fsw/edit>
> ?
> -
> Samples and SESAR
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iduja0luG0K3dcvVmQwcpXrs29W21382Pi-RUPh4MxQ/edit>
> To make progress on these items, particularly the guidance document, we
> have specific topics outlined for our upcoming cluster meetings. Mark your
> calendars for the following:
> -
> May 23 (5 pm ET): SESAR updates. We will send a separate email with
> more info on this session, but the organizers are planning to provide
> updates on SESAR and are hoping to get feedback from the community
> -
> June 13 (12 pm ET): Complete draft of the following sections, and
> present summary slides that we can use in the ESIP summer session, time for
> feedback/discussion
> -
> Assign identifiers
> -
> Describe samples
> -
> Archive samples and data
> -
> June 27 (5 pm ET): Complete draft of the following sections, and
> present summary slides that we can use in the session, time for
> feedback/discussion
> -
> Reference/cite samples used in papers
> -
> Cite Sample Dataset in Reference Section
> -
> Methods Section
> -
> Data Availability Statement
> -
> July 11 (12 pm ET): Planning ESIP session
> -
> Week of July 18: Summer Meeting
> We look forward to seeing you in our upcoming cluster meetings, and
> in-person during the ESIP summer meeting!
> Thank you,
> The Physical Sample Curation Cluster Co-Chairs
> Joan Damerow, Andrea Thomer, and Val Stanley
> --
> Joan E. Damerow
> Scientist
> Earth & Environmental Sciences Area <https://eesa.lbl.gov/>
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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