[Esip-sciencesoftware] Wednesday Telecon Reminder

Jim Bowring bowringj at cofc.edu
Tue Feb 20 11:14:49 EST 2018

All -

Steve Richard (bio below) will give this talk on our call tomorrow at NOON

*Science Software Cluster Talk: Adventures in software development for
geoscience data entry and discovery*
ABSTRACT: As a geologist producing digital geologic maps and databases, and
a technical manager for the Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS), National
Geothermal Data System (NGDS), and Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance
(IEDA), I have been involved in projects developing and utilizing software
to automate and document geoscience datasets over more than 25 years. This
presentation will discuss several specific software projects and their
outcomes (to date). These includes a data entry tool for a prototype
USGS-AASG National Geologic Map Database project (C++ development),
development of tools for streamlining digital geologic map production at
the Arizona Geological Survey (ArcGIS extensions), and metadata catalog
development using open source software (Geoportal, CKAN).

Call-in details:
Wednesday 21 Feb 2018, NOON Easter
www: https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/906359501
phone: 1 (646) 749-3131 <(646)%20749-3131>
Access Code: 906-359-501

See you then!

- Jim


*Stephen Miller Richard* obtained undergraduate degrees in Earth and
Planetary Science and in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 1978. After a year working as an electrical
engineer at Lawrence Livermore Lab, he returned to graduate school,
obtaining a Master's degree in from the University of Arizona, and a Ph.D.
from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), both in Geology.
Steve's graduate and post-doctoral work was focused on geologic mapping,
structure and tectonics, and thermochronology, in complexly deformed
terranes in the Arizona and California Basin and Range and the Fosdick
Mountains in West Antarctica.  In 1992 Steve was selected to fill a
research geologist position at the Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS), and
over the next 17 years worked on a series of geologic mapping projects in
the Arizona Basin and Range.

Soon after starting at AZGS, Steve began exploring how to use GIS software
to manage and disseminate geologic information. He got involved in
development of standards for geologic map databases and geoscience
vocabularies in 1997, and from 2000 to 2007 worked on an interagency
agreement with the USGS on the National Geologic Map Database project. In
2005, the AZGS switched its geologic map production workflow to an entirely
digital process utilizing ESRI ArcGIS software for compilation and
cartographic production of final map products. As chief of the
geoinformatics section at the AZGS,  Steve was engaged in geologic data
management, development of GeoSciML, an XML markup language for geoscience
information interchange, development of the US Geoscience Information
Network and National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) to deploy web services
for geoscience information exchange, the XML implementation of the updated
international standard for geospatial metadata (ISO 19115-1), and projects
developing a proposed architecture design and resource catalog system for
EarthCube. In 2016 he retired from the AZGS to work as a technical director
with the Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance at Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory (LDEO) until January 2018. Steve continues as an adjuct
research scientist at LDEO, working on various geoinformatics projects.

Jim Bowring
President Elect and Public Relations Officer of the College of Charleston
Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
C. Richard Crosby Distinguished Teaching Co-Chair
Principal Investigator, www.CIRDLES.org <http://www.cirdles.org>,
GitHub: https://github.com/bowring

Computer Science
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Google Voice: 843.608.1399 <(843)%20608-1399> (preferred)
Google Email: bowring at gmail.com

Harbor Walk East (360 Concord Street) Room 308
843.953.0805 <(843)%20953-0805>
bowringj at cofc.edu

R. Buckminster Fuller (1972):
If humanity is to survive aboard our planet, it must become universally
literate and preoccupied with inherently cooperative Comprehensive
Anticipatory Design Science in which every human is concerned with
accomplishing the comfortably sustainable well-faring of all other humans.
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