[Esip-sciencesoftware] Wednesday (Tomorrow) Science Software Telecon Noon Eastern

Jim Bowring bowringj at cofc.edu
Tue Mar 20 11:53:10 EDT 2018

Hi All -

Our speaker will be Yolanda Gil.

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Quoting ESIP:
The Science Software call on Wednesday will feature Dr. Yolanda Gil
from ISI at USC and her work leading the NSF-funded EarthCube project,
team developed the OntoSoft ontology for describing scientific software
metadata, which is being used in APIs and mapped to popular software
repositories such as GitHub and Zenodo. Based on this ontology, they
designed the OntoSoft distributed scientific software registry that
contains more than 600 entries operated by several science communities, and
allows searching and comparing software entries across metadata fields.
They have also created the OntoSoft Geoscience Papers of the Future
to disseminate best practices of software scholarship and reproducible
research.  Looking towards the future, they are interested in creating
semantic descriptions of geosciences models that reduce the time to find,
understand, compare, and reuse models.  To that end, they are currently
extending OntoSoft to create rich model catalogs that include
machine-readable semantic metadata for: 1) exposing model variables and
their relationships; 2) capturing the semantic structure of model
invocation signatures based on functional inputs and outputs and their
correspondence to model variables; 3) associating models with readily
reusable workflow fragments for data preparation, model calibration, and
visualization of results.

Cheers, Jim

Jim Bowring
President Elect and Public Relations Officer of the College of Charleston
Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
C. Richard Crosby Distinguished Teaching Co-Chair
Principal Investigator, www.CIRDLES.org <http://www.cirdles.org>,
GitHub: https://github.com/bowring

Computer Science
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Google Voice: 843.608.1399 (preferred)
Google Email: bowring at gmail.com

Harbor Walk East (360 Concord Street) Room 308
bowringj at cofc.edu

R. Buckminster Fuller (1972):
If humanity is to survive aboard our planet, it must become universally
literate and preoccupied with inherently cooperative Comprehensive
Anticipatory Design Science in which every human is concerned with
accomplishing the comfortably sustainable well-faring of all other humans.
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