[Esip-semanticharmonization] adjusting the Wednesday's (8/21/24) ESIP Semantic Harmonization Cluster to a 1 hour group meeting (3-4 Eastern US)

Gary Berg-Cross gbergcross at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 14:03:29 EDT 2024

Seems like I no how long  have the ability to start the zoom calls.
I wanted to get online at two P M Eastern Time just in case anybody else
came on to explain the change of time but couldn't get on.
It may require somebody from eastip itself to log in.
Perhaps this will work by the three o'clock time frame

Gary Berg-Cross
Potomac, MD

On Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 9:09 AM Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross at gmail.com>

> All,
> In light of feedback from key members of the group I propose we make this
> a 1 hour meeting that would start at 3 Eastern US time.
> What do people think?
>  For the longer term we need to consider a day or time adjustment if we
> will be overlapping with the COR cluster.
> Gary Berg-Cross
> Potomac, MD
> 240-426-0770
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 2:43 AM Pier Luigi Buttigieg <
> pier.buttigieg at awi.de> wrote:
>> I'll be travelling (some monastery in Switzerland) where we'll be working
>> on a biodiversity data declaration. I may be able to drop in, but it's
>> unlikely.
>> I can put in some asynchronous work in our mapping sheets.
>> Sent from a mobile device - please excuse the brevity and typographic
>> errors
>> On 20 Aug 2024, at 22:14, Kate Rose - NOAA Affiliate <kate.rose at noaa.gov>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I posted the following message in the semantic harmonization slack
>>> earlier today, and Megan suggested I send it via email since not everyone
>>> checks Slack. TLDR, there is a scheduling conflict tomorrow:
>>> The ESIP Community Calendar
>>> <https://www.esipfed.org/community-calendar/> for this week shows a
>>> Semantic Harmonization call  tomorrow (Wednesday 8/21) from 2-4 PM US
>>> Eastern and a #cor-dev <https://esip-all.slack.com/archives/C016WAAQ5UP> COR
>>> discussion from 2:05-2:55 PM Eastern. Is anyone planning to attend the
>>> Semantic Harmonization call? I'd like to join the COR call and could then
>>> switch over to Harmonization call if others are going to join (we have
>>> mostly been working on ENVO-CMECS harmonization in that timeslot). And then
>>> there's a #sweetontology <https://esip-all.slack.com/archives/CLQ6DJ669> call
>>> from 4-6 PM EDT as well- @brandon
>>> <https://esip-all.slack.com/team/U0A988JKA> are you planning to be
>>> there for that as well?
>>> I will be attending the COR discussion and can join the harmonization
>>> call afterwards.
>>> Kate
>>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 11:35 AM Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> It has been a while since we have met including the July gap with the
>>>> Esip Conference.
>>>> This August meeting goes back to our original hourly schedule from 2
>>>>> to 4 to allow it to be followed by the SWEET working group at 4.
>>>>> We should discuss any implications of what went on at the July
>>>>> Conference and we might discuss something such as how AI applications or
>>>>> tools are impacting or will likely semantic technology particularly
>>>>> harmonization.
>>>>> If we have oir principal members the main activity would be to restart
>>>>> and continue Spring
>>>> work  harmonizing CMECS with ENVO and SWEET using some ideas on core
>>>> items to consider.  Some progress is made in the May meeting identifying
>>>> core terms setting up templated spreadsheets along the lines of what was
>>>> done in our earlier CRYO work.
>>>>> Meeting ID853 4485 3594
>>>>>  Invite Link
>>>>> https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/j/85344853594?pwd=cENuRUY1QW4wTDk2Z212K3cxSUVUQT09
>>>>> https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/j/85344853594?pwd=cENuRUY1QW4wTDk2Z212K3cxSUVUQT09
>>>>> Gary Berg-Cross
>>>>> Potomac, MD
>>>>> 240-426-0770
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