[Esip-semantictech] Invitation to Semantic Harmonization Workshop

Ryan Mcgranaghan rmcgranaghan at astraspace.net
Fri Oct 8 14:50:11 EDT 2021

Good day!

We hope this email finds you well.

My name is Ryan McGranaghan (for those of you who I have not already worked
with) and I’m part of a number of efforts to connect and better organize
space knowledge (for instance, the Heliophysics KNOWledge Network

During the Earth Science Informatics Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting 2021, a
cross-cutting group of us were awarded a micro-grant to explore harmonizing
Space Weather glossaries as a means to bring the space-based perspective to
the Earth Sciences.

In the ethos of Open Science, we will be conducting this project in an
inclusive, participatory, and educational manner, hoping to bring together
the pockets of wonderful progress that are occurring across our community.

The first phase of the project is a tutorial workshop on the how and why of
glossary harmonization (see a description of the why below).

We would like to invite you to a 90-minute virtual gathering on October 15
from 2-3:30 PM EDT to be a part of the community that understands how to
achieve glossary harmonization and to discuss approaches for the Space
Weather use case. Please indicate your interest here

You can find full details in the notes for the workshop and help shape
their evolution here

A few suggested groups that will benefit and be interested in the event:


   Semantic technology developers

   Knowledge engineers

   Systems scientists

   Space physicists

   Natural Language Processing practitioners

   Risk/Resilience analysts

Looking forward to a generative discussion!

Kind Regards,

Ryan McGranaghan (NASA; ASTRA LLC)

Ruth Duerr (Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship)

Brandon Whitehead (Manaaki Whenua -- Landcare Research in New Zealand)

Why Glossary Harmonization?

“In the modern era of ubiquitous computing, metadata has become
infrastructural, like the electrical grid or the highway system.”

Metadata and information models are the structure to the information in our
world. They give us a way to navigate the deluge of 21st century digital
life and permit discovery. All scientists, engineers, researchers require
an understanding of metadata and information models.

A harmonized glossary is a first step to more robust metadata and
information models (i.e., ontologies
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontology_(information_science)>). We all
know the challenge of understanding one another’s particular language
(whether that is the language of another domain or the lexical nuances from
one person to the next). The harmonization process attempts to identify the
different definitions for terms in a given domain and across related
domains and to harmonize them by understanding similarities and differences.

A harmonized glossary is the bedrock of information search, integration,
and automated analyses (e.g., Natural Language Processing). This tutorial
session will be a lasting benefit to all in the business of discovery.
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