[Esip-semantictech] Fwd: Agenda of the geoinformation standards training for DDE 26-28 Oct.
Brandon Whitehead
whiteheadb at landcareresearch.co.nz
Thu Oct 21 15:50:04 EDT 2021
Please accept my apologies for missing last week's SeREEn meeting. We will be meeting at our regularly scheduled time next week --- October 26th @4:00pm EST.
Tentative agenda items include:
1. Folding the SeREEn and regular STC meetings together
2. SWEET issues: #150<https://github.com/ESIPFed/sweet/issues/150>, and if time permits #250<https://github.com/ESIPFed/sweet/issues/250> and #125<https://github.com/ESIPFed/sweet/issues/125>.
3. updates & announcements
4. ESIP Winter Meeting proposal topics? Session proposals due Nov 8th.
As always please add or recommend agenda items as you see fit.
Also, please see the message below regarding the IUGS CGI geoinformation standards training for DDE on 26-28 October. Agenda is attached as word doc (assuming it doesn't get stripped along the way). There is a registration link in the agenda document. The event is free to attend.
Brandon Whitehead (he/him<https://www.publicservice.govt.nz/our-work/diversity-and-inclusion/pronoun-use-in-email-signatures>)
Senior Researcher -- Environmental Data Science
Manaaki Whenua -- Landcare Research
[cid:764eb5b7953b4ba602dfc8bd666ecb5d046e482b.camel at landcareresearch.co.nz]
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: CGIsecretariat <cgisecretariat at mail.cgs.gov.cn<mailto:CGIsecretariat%20%3ccgisecretariat at mail.cgs.gov.cn%3e>>
Subject: Fw: Agenda of the geoinformation standards training for DDE 26-28 Oct.
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 09:13:18 +0800
Dear CGI members,
Hope you are all well and doing great.
As planned by the IUGS DDE program standards task group this year. A training course on geoinformation standards for DDE Working/Task Groups scientists will be conducted 26-28 this October. This training session is mainly contributed by CGI members on CGO/OGC standards, and with FAIR data principles form CODATA first.
Goals of this training is to provide general concepts of current well implemented existing geoscience standards, particularly CGI/OGC standards GeoSciML, EarthResourceML and Geoscience Terminology, etc., and the FAIR data principles, and with implementation methods and advices that may help DDE WTGs on data and resource description, organization, integration, processing, web release and exchanging with others.
Lecturers for this session are all rich in experiences. And we I believe it will be a big successful event for the IUGS big science program DDE.
And I hope you can join this training to learn the up-to-date technology and developments in geoinformation standards.
Please find attached the draft agenda for you reference to arrange your schedule. You may please register for the digital certificates.
The DDE standards task group(DDE-STG) is consists of 28 CGI members and CODATA scientists so far.
Annual budget and project of DDE-STG are approved by DDE already. I encourage you again to join the DDE-STG group.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
Thank you again.
With best regards,
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The views expressed in this email may not be those of Landcare Research New Zealand Limited. http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz
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