[Esip-semantictech] Call for nominations: Semantic Technologies Committee Chair

Sarah Ramdeen sarah.ramdeen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 11:50:51 EST 2021

 Hello everyone,

My name  is Sarah Ramdeen, chair of the ESIP Nominations Committee.  We are
currently seeking nominations (including self nomination) for elected
positions within ESIP, including the chair of the Semantic Technologies
Committee <https://wiki.esipfed.org/SemTech_Chair>.

Brandon Whitehead has agreed to run for a second term and is in need of a
second for this nomination.  We also encourage two nominations for all
positions to support fair and healthy elections.

To nominate someone or to second Brandon's nomination, please send an email
to nominations at esipfed.org.  Nominees will be required to submit a
candidate statement and bio by November 15th.

You can see a full list of the ESIP leadership positions and current
candidates here

If you have any questions about the nomination process or being part of
ESIP leadership, please reach out to nominations at esipfed.org.

Thank you!

Sarah Ramdeen, PhD
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