[esip-semanticweb] Mapping between CLEAN and SWEET or GCMD

Marshall X Ma max7 at rpi.edu
Mon Apr 1 15:52:41 EDT 2013

We were working a bit on the mapping between two SKOS vocabularies, namely
CLEAN and GCMD, and we focused on the instance to instance mapping.

Personally I was thinking to focus on the mapping between instances of
'skos:Concept' and instances of subclasses of 'owl:Class', just do not want
to make myself confused between instance and class.


Some resources w.r.t. this issue, perhaps you already have them.

A document discussing OWL and SKOS:

And there is a tool that can covert OWL ontologies to SKOS vocabularies:





From: Steve Richard [mailto:steve.richard at azgs.az.gov] 
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 00:09
To: 'John Graybeal'
Cc: 'Marshall X Ma'; esip-semanticweb at rtpnet.org
Subject: RE: [esip-semanticweb] Mapping between CLEAN and SWEET or GCMD


I haven't delved into the problem recently, but I think the current trick is
'punning', in which an element it treated as either a class or an instance
depending on the context.



Stephen M Richard

Arizona Geological Survey

416 W. congress #100

Tucson, AZ

AZGS: 520-770-3500

Office: 520-209-4127

FAX: 520-770-3505


From: John Graybeal [mailto:jgraybeal at ucsd.edu] 
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:40 AM
To: steve.richard at azgs.az.gov
Cc: 'Marshall X Ma'; esip-semanticweb at rtpnet.org
Subject: Re: [esip-semanticweb] Mapping between CLEAN and SWEET or GCMD


Marshall, Steve, all,


Did you all ever come up with a best practice for bridging the SKOS-OWL
divide, as discussed below?  Back in the OWL 1.0 days I know this was, like,
unbridgeable, but with 2.0 I think the experts were talking about creating a
relation that appropriately related SKOS terms to OWL concepts. But then I
had to pay attention to other things....





On Nov 2, 2012, at 17:00, steve richard <steve.richard at azgs.az.gov> wrote:


The SKOS-OWL is particularly interesting to me (instance vs. class). I've
wrestled with this trying to figure out how to bind the CGI GeoScience
vocabularies ( <http://resource.geosciml.org/201202/>
http://resource.geosciml.org/201202/) with OWL (e.g. SimpleLithology2012
I_Lithology.owl> CGI_Lithology.owl).

The issue emerges again in an ontology for geologic map unit integration
I've been working on. If you're at the Geological Society of America Meeting
in Charlotte next week, come and visit my poster

Monday Nov 5, Charlotte Convention Center, Hall B, Poster Booth Number: 186.




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semanticweb-bounces at lists.esipfed.org] On Behalf Of Marshall X Ma
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 4:30 PM
To:  <mailto:esip-semanticweb at rtpnet.org> esip-semanticweb at rtpnet.org
Subject: [esip-semanticweb] Mapping between CLEAN and SWEET or GCMD


We want to test the mapping between non-specialist vocabularies and
specialist vocabularies. A good example can be the mapping between CLEAN
vocabulary and SWEET ontology or GCMD keywords.


Anyone has done/thought this work before or, any ideas on the following
questions? Thanks.


* CLEAN is a non-specialist vocabulary for climate and energy

** ref:  <http://cleanet.org/clean/about/climate_energy_.html>

** A SKOS encoding of CLEAN vocabulary seralized in turtle format:


* [Question 1 ] Mapping between CLEAN vocabulary and SWEET?

** We have experience on mapping between two skos vocabularies: using
skos:broadMatch, skos:narrowMatch, etc.

** SWEET is in OWL encoding

*** Comparison between a skos concept and an owl class

*** Anyone has experience on mapping between skos and owl?


* [Question 2] Or, we can try to map between CLEAN vocabulary and GCMD

** GCMD keywords has its version 7.0 in SKOS encoding:



-- Marshall


Xiaogang (Marshall) Ma


Postdoctoral Research Associate

Tetherless World Constellation

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180, USA

E-mail:  <mailto:max7 at rpi.edu> max7 at rpi.edu

Homepage:  <https://sites.google.com/site/xgmaitc>


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John Graybeal    <mailto:jgraybeal at ucsd.edu>     phone: 858-534-2162

Product Manager

Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure Project:

Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org







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