[esip-semantictech] Issue when attempting to re-publish Ontology in ESIP Testbed Ontology Portal

HUHNS, MICHAEL HUHNS at mailbox.sc.edu
Wed Jul 27 08:09:54 EDT 2016

Hi John,

SWEET is indeed an interesting case, because it is internally inconsistent, resulting in several errors when parsed. Did COR detect these? Did it continue parsing afterwards? If so, how does it report them?

Ontologies frequently contain errors, especially when they are new and under active development.

The ability to handle ill-formed and incomplete ontologies will be an important use case for a repository.


-------- Original message --------
From: John Graybeal via esip-semanticweb <esip-semanticweb at lists.esipfed.org>
Date: 7/27/16 2:32 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Mcgibbney, Lewis J (398M)" <Lewis.J.Mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: esip-semanticweb at lists.esipfed.org, Carlos Rueda <carueda at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [esip-semantictech] Issue when attempting to re-publish Ontology in ESIP Testbed Ontology Portal

Hi Lewis,

I’m delighted you were willing to try loading SWEET up! (All as one file? Hmm, interesting if so.)

I don’t see any reference to having tried this again with the COR, though I see you uploaded an humanAgriculture ontology, hopefully successfully from your standpoint.

It prompts me to mention that I had a few ideas about the best way to work with SWEET in the context of a system like the COR. It’s perhaps suitable for discussion at the next meeting, or we could have a chat before that to organize our ideas a little.

In any case, I consider SWEET a possibly advanced case, because of the number of files and terms, and so would encourage you to contact Carlos and/or me if you think you want to try uploading the whole thing. At a minimum we can be standing by to help if things don’t go smoothly for any reason.


On Jul 20, 2016, at 09:08, Mcgibbney, Lewis J (398M) via esip-semanticweb <esip-semanticweb at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-semanticweb at lists.esipfed.org>> wrote:

Hi Folks,
As I sit and watch the lightning talks @ESIP Summer meeting this morning I thought I would try and load SWEET v2.3 into the Testbed Ontology Portal.
Unfortunately, once I populate everything within the input forms I get the following Invocation Target Exception indicating that some exception is being caught but not necessarily exposed. I have no idea how to fix it but would like to do so.
Any ideas? I’ve pasted the stack trace below and also uploaded a paste at - https://paste.apache.org/gk0b

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Dr. Lewis John McGibbney Ph.D., B.Sc.
Data Scientist II
Computer Science for Data Intensive Applications Group 398M
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, California 91109-8099
Mail Stop : 158-256C
Tel:  (+1) (818)-393-7402
Cell: (+1) (626)-487-3476
Fax:  (+1) (818)-393-1190
Email: lewis.j.mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:lewis.j.mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov>


 Dare Mighty Things
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