[esip-semantictech] [datadiscovery][rda-research-schemas-wg] Notes: RDA Research Schemas WG (to be endorsed) meeting on this Thursday (11th July)

mingfang mingfang.wu at ardc.edu.au
Thu Jul 11 22:21:37 EDT 2019

 Dear All,

Thanks very much for those participating in today’s call,  below are
summary notes.

The case statement has gone into community review process. Please feel free
to share this link
with your colleagues for them to comment on.

Meanwhile, the group will proceed to the following two activities:

   - For the planned output: Collecting and catalogue tools that generate,
   validate and parse schema.org and DCAT markup, we may start with a
   google sheet, think about what need to be documented, meanwhile learn from
   other RDA IGs/WGs what tools they are using for cataloguing.

   - For the planned output: A generic ‘conceptual data model’ with
   essential types and properties for research data discovery over the web, we
   will get in touch with people who did the "Survey on current practices
   in using schemas to describe research data sets
   (the row 7 and 13), look their mappings and also EDMI mapping to
   schema.org in particular, identify minimum or common set of properties.

Relevant activities outside of this group:

   - Adam Shepherd (Co-chair of this WG) is going to co-organise a
session "Assessment
   and developments in the structured metadata developer tool chain for
   Schema.org and associated extensions" at the AGU Fall Meeting (9-13 Dec.
   2019, San Francisco).  Here is the link
   <https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/prelim.cgi/Session/81359> about this
   AGU session. Please consider to submit an abstract. This session is highly
   relevant to the tooling catalogue as noted above.

   - There will be three sessions related to schema.org at the 2019 ESIP
   Summer Meetings (July 16-19, Tacoma, WA). Here is the link
   <https://2019esipsummermeeting.sched.com/?s=schema.org>. The three
   sessions are: Approaches to extending schema.org for Data APIs,
   Advancing spatial and temporal aspects of schema.org and Metadata
   harvesting through schema.org, where work will also be done on the
    documentation (including re-branding to geoschemas.org

*Life science community has been identifying types, properties, profiles
   for discovering datasets of the domain, some types are ready to go to
   schema.org <http://schema.org>. Dan Brickley advised to push types into
   schema.org <http://schema.org> early, refine later. Leyla Garcia (co-chair
   of this WG) will be invited to talk more about this work and process in a
   future meeting. *

Participants agree to cancel the next meeting (scheduled on 8th August). So
our next meeting will be in about 2 months time (12 Sept.). Hopefully we
can get some work done by then.


Dr Mingfang Wu

*Australian Research Data Commons <http://www.ardc.edu.au/> * T: +61 3 9902
4646 | E: mingfang.wu at ardc.edu.au | O:0000-0003-1206-3431
Physical address: Monash University, Building T, Ground Floor, 100 Sir John
Monash Drive, Caulfield East, VIC 3145

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