[Esip-soil-informatics] FW: ISCN webinars 2 and 3
Todd-Brown, Kathe
kathe.toddbrown at essie.ufl.edu
Fri Jul 2 08:34:51 EDT 2021
FYI these soil carbon webinars might be of interest to the group!
Katherine Todd-Brown, PhD
Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering Sciences
University of Florida
From: <soilcarb-l at mtu.edu> on behalf of Claire Phillips <phillips.claire.l at gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 17:33
To: "soilcarb-l at mtu.edu" <soilcarb-l at mtu.edu>
Subject: ISCN webinars 2 and 3
[External Email]
ISCN community,
We have two more webinars coming up on soil carbon sequestration in working lands. We hope you can join us to hear from some of our esteemed colleagues.
Emerging approaches for widespread soil C measurement. July 13, 3pm ET.
In Webinar 2, Cristine Morgan (Soil Health Institute) and Jonathan Sanderman (Woodwell Climate Research Center) will share their experiences developing approaches to quantify soil carbon that could enable widespread measurement and monitoring.
Register here: Measuring soil C: Emerging Approaches | AGU<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.agu.org_Events_Webinars_Upcoming_Measuring-2Dsoil-2DC-2C-2DEmerging-2DApproaches-5F13July2021&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=iJTBKCNt7bvRum4dQscVk_YiuzVg3O7ttPMzrksrQc0&m=gMAxl8hBAE3-DdQYjAXCIH1XZW4HWXZ-A2eyh5AZPfU&s=rLjigSopX19H1KS4X8q3BhPwMUPeE-bTAAAY70Y0Qj0&e=>
When does increased soil C storage yield net removal of greenhouse gases? Aug 17, 3pm ET.
In Webinar 3 we will explore how practices that increase soil organic carbon impact emissions of nitrous oxide and ask whether storing more carbon is enough to offset nitrous oxide emissions. We will hear perspectives from France by Claire Chenu (INRAE) and the U.S. Midwest by Jane Johnson (USDA-ARS).
Register here: Soil carbon sequestration: Towards net GHG reduction | AGU<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.agu.org_Events_Webinars_Soil-2DCarbon-2DSequestration-2Dseries_Soil-2Dcarbon-2Dsequestration-2DTowards-2Dnet-2DGHG-2Dreductions-5F17August2021&d=DwMFaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=iJTBKCNt7bvRum4dQscVk_YiuzVg3O7ttPMzrksrQc0&m=gMAxl8hBAE3-DdQYjAXCIH1XZW4HWXZ-A2eyh5AZPfU&s=OWu5bcH9V-C-m567tFPGQ7mL-jkiX0v5_WMo_RnZIyw&e=>
Warm regards,
Claire Phillips (USDA-ARS)
Dan Liptzin (Soil Health Institute)
Eric Slessarev (ISCN)
Jenny Soong (Granular)
Susan Crow (Univ of Hawaii)
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