[Esip-soil-informatics] Recap 17 Nov Cluster

Todd-Brown, Kathe kathe.toddbrown at essie.ufl.edu
Wed Dec 1 13:18:06 EST 2021

Greetings wordy soil people,

Sorry for the delay in this recap. Last week we talked through next year activities for the cluster. We decided to move forward with a seminar-like series paired with one page recaps of each presentation. For the presentations we have a list of 14(!) resources we would like to hear from and I’ll start reaching out to folks today to get dates nailed down. The format for the presentations is being discussed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12OtoXo6YV4zK9a79VeJK8XE7iEf02hF9Uf-ggQ8YlG4/edit?usp=sharing but will include a new position of facilitator.

Facilitators will host the presentation for that week and work up the initial draft of the 1-page resource summary. If you are willing to do this please let me know or go to the page and sign up for a week that works for your schedule.

Still in the ideation phase is a hackathon-like activity and best-practices manuscript to guide the use/development of these resources by the research community and stakeholders. If you have thoughts on this please move the discussion to the Slack channel https://join.slack.com/t/esip-all/shared_invite/zt-y7pwdwno-IFCN~MELSH0FY_pvGpZK6Q

We will be having a cluster call on December 15th at 1700 UTC. Dr Steven Quiring (Ohio State University) will be delivering a talk titled Building a National Soil Moisture Dataset

Take care and I hope your holiday season is going smoothly! As always here is a link to the notes document for the cluster: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_SIm_3e9xpni_64zdAU1DZrFEd8YcIerbsihDJq4qwY/edit?usp=sharing


Katherine Todd-Brown, PhD

Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida

Office: Rm B006, Phelps Lab, UF main campus
Twitter: @KatheMathBio

Mail: Dr Kathe Todd-Brown
Center for Wetlands
PO Box 116350
Gainesville, FL 32611

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