[Esip-soil-informatics] ESIP SOI Cluster Recap

Todd-Brown, Kathe kathe.toddbrown at essie.ufl.edu
Sat Oct 22 11:45:13 EDT 2022

Greetings all!

We had a fantastic presentation from Erin Berryman from the US Forest Service on how the Forest Inventory and Analysis database deals with geo-location including a history of the database, and how the forest service balances privacy concerns with public resource data. Main take away precise geolocation of the plots is kept in-house and the public data has random noise introduced into the data and some small number of locations swapped within counties. You can hear more (plus bonus material on litter & soil surveys in the FIA) on the youtube recording here: https://youtu.be/Sdm0HzGQz_U and in the slide deck posted on the meeting notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12OtoXo6YV4zK9a79VeJK8XE7iEf02hF9Uf-ggQ8YlG4/edit?usp=sharing

ESIP January meeting call for sessions is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11LWiAD94Qft7_UA7kxtHoGAoB7XmjEijP879yn5YDBQ/edit and the forest service stakeholders meeting held every 2-3 years is here: https://whova.com/portal/registration/scien1_202211/

On November 1 at 2000UTC we will be meeting to talk about the data model manuscript! Recent developments on here include:

  1.  Proposed text for the introduction and first few sections by Christine Le Bas and Tanja Williamson.
  2.  Suggestions by Christine Le Bas specific soil ontology resources and relevant links

Hope to see you on call in November!


Katherine Todd-Brown, PhD

Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida

Office: Rm B006, Phelps Lab, UF main campus
Twitter: @KatheMathBio

Mail: Dr Kathe Todd-Brown
Center for Wetlands
PO Box 116350
Gainesville, FL 32611

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