[Esip-sustainabledm] AGU RoI related session?

Ruth Duerr ruth.duerr3 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 16:00:33 EDT 2017

Hi Anne,

I guess I am having problems with the idea for this session on two fronts:

After having mentally altered the sentence "But making that argument clearly and unambiguously is a challenge” to read “"But making that argument clearly and unambiguously is a challenge in this era where facts have no value to current decision-makers” I am having a hard time trying to figure out what the point is at the moment.  Yes, that is a very bad attitude; but one that is challenging me.
I’ve also seen the many agencies and science programs go the route explored at the ROI session at the last ESIP meeting, a route that seems to be pretty popular at the moment. That is to come up with a list of societal benefits, for each identify the data/information needed to achieve that benefit, and the precursor tools, models, data, etc. needed to create that data/information, and chase that backwards through the value chain to the repositories, etc. that acquire, preserve and distribute that data.  Now this only works for things that have immediate impact which is a problem for most pure research data.  How to handle the rest?

In any case, at least I am thinking about it even if I have nothing useful to add at the moment.


> On Apr 17, 2017, at 1:43 PM, Anne Wilson via Esip-sustainabledm <esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> There was a loud silence in response to my request for help with a title and abstract for an RoI related session.  I will try again to stimulate some input by drafting a title and abstract, which is below.    (I hope this doesn’t reinforce more silence! )
> I did recall that last year, though abstracts describing the session were used in soliciting abstracts, in the end only the title of the session was provided in the meeting program.  I am assuming it will be the same this year.   So, the title can matter.
>> Title:  How much is a data center worth?   Determining the value and contributions of a data center
>> Abstract:
>> Data centers are being asked to provide better access and services for more and more datasets over time, with a commensurate increase in the number of users relying on those data centers for essential data and services.    The difficulty is compounded by flat, inconsistent and/or unreliable funding for data centers.    
>> It seems as if these data services are valuable to their users and to society, and may even show a positive return on investment.   But making that argument clearly and unambiguously is a challenge.   Data center expenses and contributions range from easily measurable direct investments and use, to stated values, to estimated values, and finally to wider impacts that can not be directly measured.   
>> This session will explore methods for determining and possibly even quantifying the value that data centers provide, and/or measuring the return they provide.
> Please provide comments and feedback.   Thank you!
> Anne
> From: Esip-sustainabledm on behalf of "esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org <mailto:esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>"
> Reply-To: Anne Wilson
> Date: Friday, April 14, 2017 at 8:32 AM
> To: Corinna Gries, Shelley Stall, Kerstin Lehnert, Nancy Ritchey - NOAA Federal, "esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org <mailto:esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>"
> Subject: Re: [Esip-sustainabledm] AGU RoI related session?
> Great, Corinna, thank you!   
> That makes four: Anne Wilson, Kerstin Lehnert, Nancy Ritchie, Corinna Gries.   Is that correct?   (And, we are indeed all the esip-sustainabledm list, correct?  Co-chairs, please let me know if you’re not on that list.  I would prefer to simply send to the list…)
> Step 2 would be to create the title and abstract.   From my prior email: 
> > The theme for ESSI (Earth and Space Science Informatics) this year is something like, “Shortening the time to science”.
> >
> > With that in mind, session titles might be something like
> >
> > - how to value the contributions of data centers?
> > - how do data centers shorten the time to science?
> > - data centers and their impacts
> > - shortening the time to science through robust data centers
> > - data center sustainability: RoI, funding, etc…
> > - ??
> Co-chairs, et al, suggestions for titles/abstracts?
> Thanks!  
> Anne
> From: Corinna Gries
> Date: Friday, April 14, 2017 at 7:23 AM
> To: Anne Wilson, Shelley Stall, Kerstin Lehnert, "esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org <mailto:esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>"
> Subject: Re: [Esip-sustainabledm] AGU RoI related session?
> HI Anne,
> no problem. A session at AGU would be a great continuation of our discussion and may bring in some more perspectives. I'll help organizing.
> Corinna
> From: Anne Wilson <Anne.Wilson at lasp.colorado.edu <mailto:Anne.Wilson at lasp.colorado.edu>>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 5:14 PM
> To: Shelley Stall; Kerstin Lehnert; esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org <mailto:esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>; Corinna Gries
> Subject: Re: [Esip-sustainabledm] AGU RoI related session?
> Thanks, Kerstin!  I’ll count you as one.   I would love to see 2 others commit to organizing the session, that would be a strong go vote and hopefully require less from each person.
> Thanks, Shelley, for adding Corrina.  Corrina, my apologies!
> Anne
> From: Esip-sustainabledm on behalf of "esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org <mailto:esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>"
> Reply-To: Shelley Stall
> Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 2:31 PM
> To: Kerstin Lehnert, "esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org <mailto:esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>", Corinna Gries
> Subject: Re: [Esip-sustainabledm] AGU RoI related session?
> Anne, 
> And Corrina Gries had an interest in this as well. Adding her here to make sure she sees this. 
> Shelley
> On 4/12/17, 4:27 PM, "Esip-sustainabledm on behalf of Kerstin A Lehnert via Esip-sustainabledm" <esip-sustainabledm-bounces at lists.esipfed.org <mailto:esip-sustainabledm-bounces at lists.esipfed.org> on behalf of esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org <mailto:esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>> wrote:
> Hi Anne,
> I am actually right now at a workshop on 'Repository Collaboration' 
> where we are talking a lot about ROI. I strongly support the theme of 
> this session. It is fundamental for sustained support from funders and 
> the science community, especially these days.
> I would be happy to help if there are not enough co-conveners.
> Kerstin
> <image651160.png>	
> Shelley Stall
> ASD, Enterprise Data Mgmt Prog
> <image121427.png>	202‑777‑7307 <tel:202-777-7307>
> <image747784.png>	SStall at agu.org <mailto:SStall at agu.org>	 | 	<image170555.png>	www.agu.org <http://www.agu.org/>
> <image302373.png>	
> 2000 Florida Ave, NW	, 	Washington	, 	DC 	20009
> <image165278.png> <https://www.facebook.com/AmericanGeophysicalUnion>	
> <image242781.png> <https://twitter.com/theAGU>	
> <image274821.png> <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2196290>	
> <image135116.png> <https://www.youtube.com/user/AGUvideos>	
> <image127978.png> <https://www.instagram.com/americangeophysicalunion/>
> 19 April:  2017 Fall Meeting Session Proposal Submission Deadline <https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2017/session-proposals/>
> 22 April:  2017 March for Science, Washington, D.C. <https://www.facebook.com/March4ScienceAGU>
> 3 May: 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting Session Proposal Submission Deadline <http://osm.agu.org/2018/session-proposal-overview/>
> 11‑15 December:  2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana <http://fallmeeting.agu.org/>
> 11‑16 February:  2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon <http://osm.agu.org/2018/>On 4/12/17 16:20 PM, Anne Wilson via Esip-sustainabledm wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > At RDA I received a bit of encouragement from Lesley Wyborn to submit a ROI and/or data center sustainability session proposal for the American Geophysical Union’s annual meeting in December. I know some of us are very familiar with AGU’s annual meeting, while I think others are not. The proposal deadline is a week from today. The meeting is in New Orleans this year, roughly the 2nd week of December.
> >
> > The theme for ESSI (Earth and Space Science Informatics) this year is something like, “Shortening the time to science”.
> >
> > With that in mind, session titles might be something like
> >
> > - how to value the contributions of data centers?
> > - how do data centers shorten the time to science?
> > - data centers and their impacts
> > - shortening the time to science through robust data centers
> > - data center sustainability: RoI, funding, etc…
> > - ??
> >
> > Is anyone out there interested in co chairing a session? I don’t really have the energy to be the sole champion of this effort, so would probably not do it without other interest and support.
> >
> > Lots of ??!
> >
> > Anne
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
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> >
> -- 
> Dr. Kerstin Lehnert
> Doherty Senior Research Scientist
> Director, Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance
> Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
> Columbia University
> Palisades, NY, 10964
> (845) 365-8506
> http://www.iedadata.org <http://www.iedadata.org/>
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