[Esip-sustainabledm] Fwd: [Esip-ficom] Request for travel support for external expert - Neil Beagrie

Margaret O'Brien margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu
Tue May 16 12:16:46 EDT 2017

Hi Anne -
I checked - Phil is on this list. If his ears aren't burning already (and
you don't hear from him), you should email him directly.

I have asked Helen et al if they are interested in Beagrie for a plenary;
not heard back yet.


Margaret O'Brien
ORCID: 0000-0002-1693-8322
Information Management
Marine Science Institute, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
805-893-2071 (voice)

On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 9:10 AM, Anne Wilson <Anne.Wilson at lasp.colorado.edu>

> Whee!!!    Thank you for shepherding this, Margaret!   And everyone else
> for their support!
> I would be happy to reach out to Beagrie, though I recall that Phil
> actually had a connection with him.   Phil is on this list, right?   Phil,
> we could reach out together, what do you think?   I’m happy to draft a
> letter.
> Margaret, are they interested in him also as a plenary speaker?   Or just
> for our session?
> Anne
> From: Esip-sustainabledm on behalf of Ann Chiu via Esip-sustainabledm
> Reply-To: Margaret O'Brien
> Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 10:01 AM
> To: Ann Chiu via Esip-sustainabledm
> Subject: [Esip-sustainabledm] Fwd: [Esip-ficom] Request for travel
> support for external expert - Neil Beagrie
> Hi all -
> ESIP has approved our request for funds to invite Beagrie. They are
> offering $1000, and no registration fee. Anne - do you want to get in touch
> with them?
> Margaret
> Margaret O'Brien
> ORCID: 0000-0002-1693-8322
> Information Management
> Marine Science Institute, UCSB
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106
> 805-893-2071 <(805)%20893-2071> (voice)
> http://environmentaldatainitiative.org
> http://sbc.marinebon.org
> http://sbc.lternet.edu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Conover, Helen <HConover at itsc.uah.edu>
> Date: Tue, May 16, 2017 at 8:51 AM
> Subject: Re: [Esip-ficom] Request for travel support for external expert -
> Neil Beagrie
> To: "margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu" <margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu>
> Cc: "ESIP-ficom at lists.esipfed.org" <ESIP-ficom at lists.esipfed.org>,
> Rebecca Koskela <rkoskela at unm.edu>, James Gallagher <
> jgallagher at opendap.org>, Liping Di <ldi at gmu.edu>, "Conover, Helen" <
> HConover at itsc.uah.edu>, Erin Robinson <erinrobinson at esipfed.org>
> Hi Margaret,
> ESIP FiCom is happy to approve your request for up to $1000 travel funding
> and discounted meeting registration for Neil Beagrie to speak at the
> Sustainable Data Management session at the Summer ESIP meeting in
> Bloomington.
> Apologies for the delay in responding to your request.  We have had
> occasional difficulties with the esip-ficom mailing list and are looking
> for a more reliable alternative.  Thanks for following up with Rebecca.
> Please work with Erin and the ESIP Staff on setting up the flow of funds.
> Cheers,
> - Helen
> --
> Helen Conover       hconover at itsc.uah.edu
> Global Hydrology Resource Center DAAC
> Information Technology and Systems Center
> University of Alabama in Huntsville
> Huntsville, AL 35899
> Voice:  256-961-7807 <(256)%20961-7807>   FAX:  256-824-5149
> <(256)%20824-5149>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Margaret O'Brien <margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu>
> Date: Mon, May 15, 2017 at 8:50 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Request for travel support for external expert - Neil Beagrie
> To: Rebecca Koskela <rkoskela at unm.edu>
> Hi Rebecca -
> Here is the request; in text and as a pdf attachement. As far as I know,
> we went through the right channels - I hope so!
> I had a short discussion with Bruce over slack, about this as well. he
> encouraged me to attend the visioneers call, but I had a conflict.
> thanks for checking in!
> Margaret
> Margaret O'Brien
> ORCID: 0000-0002-1693-8322
> Information Management
> Marine Science Institute, UCSB
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106
> 805-893-2071 <(805)%20893-2071> (voice)
> http://environmentaldatainitiative.org
> http://sbc.marinebon.org
> http://sbc.lternet.edu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Margaret O'Brien <margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu>
> Date: Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 2:37 PM
> Subject: Request for travel support for external expert - Neil Beagrie
> To: esip-ficom at lists.esipfed.org
> Hello -
> The Sustainable Data Management Cluster is requesting funds to bring an
> external expert to the ESIP meeting. We think that this person would also
> be a good candidate for a keynote speaker. Our request in below (inline),
> with the same text attached as a PDF.
> Thank you for your consideration,
> Margaret O'Brien (chair)
> =================
> Sponsoring Cluster: Sustainable Data Management (chair: Margaret O’Brien,
> margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu)
> Session: Sustainable Data Management, Return on Investment
> Value to Cluster: Beagrie and his colleagues have focused specifically on
> the difficult and nuanced question of how to determine the return on
> investment of a data center, and may be the preeminent leaders in this area
> in the world today. The cluster has relied heavily on their writings in
> order to develop useful frameworks for determining RoI of our own data
> repositories and centers.
> Value to ESIP as a whole: Continued availability is fundamental to all
> aspects of “making data matter”, and so the ability to sustain data
> repositories and their content is critical.  Although repository users
> depend on the services they offer, the value of the provision of same is
> poorly understood and often underappreciated. In a climate of increasing
> data volumes with anticipated level or reduced funding, the demand on data
> repositories rapidly becomes untenable, and so the ability to determine
> their value to stakeholders is more urgent than ever.
> Relevance to meeting theme: This speaker is an expert in the relationships
> between data management and stakeholders, and so well positioned to address
> the meeting theme of “connecting users to data”. This speaker has the
> potential to advance ESIP’s mechanisms for calculating the real value of
> the data and related support services that form ESIP’s basis. Beagrie, et
> al (e.g., 2014), have also shown that the process of RoI determination has
> the positive side effect of helping users better appreciate the value that
> a data center gives them.
> Text:
> The data products and services offered by environmental data centers have
> a variety of stakeholders, including researchers, educators, public
> officials, emergency responders, funding agencies, policy makers and the
> general public.  The ability to measure the value of data products and
> services to these diverse groups gives digital repositories and data
> centers the capability to demonstrate their contributions. ESIP’s
> Sustainable Data Management Cluster began in late 2015, with a goal to
> foster the sustainability of data management activities by increased
> collaboration and coordination among data service providers such as ESIP’s
> repositories and data archives. A major focus of the Cluster has been to
> develop a framework for calculating the Return on Investment (RoI) for our
> repositories’ data-related services so that their value to stakeholders can
> be accurately computed. The RoI group has been active at ESIP meetings
> since its inception (summarized under References).
> Data center RoI calculation is complex because of the wide variety of
> centers, their levels of maturity, the highly varying natures of the
> datasets they offer, and the variety of user needs and expectations. Some
> calculations are relatively straightforward (e.g., direct payments or costs
> for storage), whereas others are very difficult to determine, e.g., future
> potential use, societal impact, and time saved by researchers. The Beagrie
> group is an independent management consultant specializing digital
> archives, library, science and research data management (
> https://www.beagrie.com/). Their areas of expertise include strategy and
> policy, business planning, stakeholder engagement, and evaluation and
> impact assessment. The group has authored several white papers, and our
> ESIP cluster has employed some of their methods in its exploration of a
> framework for calculating RoI for environmental data repositories.
> We request funds to bring Neil Beagrie to speak at our session at the ESIP
> summer meeting. Dr. Beagrie is a recognized expert in the field of
> evaluating digital curation, digital preservation and e-Research, and is
> not associated with an ESIP member organization. His work has significantly
> informed the progress of the Sustainable Data Management Cluster, and would
> add significant value to the session. Although our request is for a working
> session with Beagrie to advance the Cluster’s work, we expect that his
> insights are of interest to a broad range of meeting participants, and that
> he would be an excellent candidate for a plenary talk (thereby increasing
> the RoI of his visit).
> References
> Beagrie, et al. 2014. New Research: The value and impact of data curation
> and sharing. https://blog.beagrie.com/2014/04/02/new-research-the-value-a
> nd-impact-of-data-curation-and-sharing/ (webpage accessed 2017-04-06)
> Sustainable Data Mgt Cluster. 2016a. Notes: Return on Investment Subgroup
> (ESIP Winter Meeting Jan 2016). http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.
> php/Return_on_Investment_Subgroup_(ESIP_Winter_Meeting_Jan_2016) (webpage
> accessed 2017-04-06)
> Sustainable Data Mgt Cluster. 2016b. A Framework to Evaluate the Return on
> Investment (ROI) of a Data Repository. http://commons.esipfed.org/nod
> e/9133 (webpage accessed 2017-04-06)
> Sustainable Data Mgt Cluster. 2017a. Measuring the Value of Data.
> http://commons.esipfed.org/node/9526 (webpage accessed 2017-04-06)
> Sustainable Data Mgt Cluster. 2017b. Return on Investment Workshop Jan
> 25-26 2017 Tempe AZ.
> http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Return_on_Investment_Works
> hop_Jan_25-26_2017_Tempe_AZ (webpage accessed 2017-04-06)
> --
> -----------
> Margaret O'Brien
> Information Management
> Marine Science Institute, UCSB
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106
> 805-893-2071 (voice)
> http://environmentaldatainitiative.org
> http://sbc.marinebon.org
> http://sbc.lternet.edu
> <Beagrietravelrequest-RoIESIPsummer.pdf>____________________
> ___________________________
> Esip-ficom mailing list
> Esip-ficom at lists.esipfed.org
> http://lists.deltaforce.net/mailman/listinfo/esip-ficom
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