[Esip-sustainabledm] folder for repository guidelines manuscript

Margaret O'Brien margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu
Thu May 14 14:44:20 EDT 2020

All -
Short update: these notes from Nancy and Shelley were added to the telecon
notes (see esip wiki)

and reminder: We have a google area for this draft, and a Zotero group to
hold refs. See the README there for more info, e.g., how to join the zotero
Google drive folder:


Margaret O'Brien
ORCID: 0000-0002-1693-8322
Information Management
Marine Science Institute, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
805-893-2071 (voice)

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 6:00 PM Shelley Stall via Esip-sustainabledm <
esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:

> Nancy, this sounds great and could be a complementary task.
> There is also a session as ESIP this summer that will support your
> thinking. This is a question we get from AGU authors all the time and
> having an actual tool would be VERY helpful.
> *Supporting the Earth Science Community in Repository Discovery*
> There remains a need for the Earth Science Community to be supported in
> determining the most appropriate repository for submission of their data
> for sharing, reuse and long term preservation. There are several criteria
> of importance to data creators in addition to specific funder,
> institutional and/or publisher guidance and multiple education, outreach
> and catalog resources have been developed in support of this challenge
> (e.g. re3data.org, FAIRsFAIR, repository finder decision tree, DataSeer).
> In this session we will briefly discuss existing resources in order to
> understand gaps and opportunities. Through a facilitated discussion we will
> identify opportunities for unique contribution to this space in support of
> the Earth science community, and next steps. The remainder of the session
> will be run as a working activity to begin to forward these activities.
> Conveners:
> Amber Budden
> Daniella Lowenberg
> Denise Hills
> Shelley Stall
> <https://agu.org/>
> <https://www.facebook.com/AmericanGeophysicalUnion/>
> <https://twitter.com/theAGU> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/34481/>
> <https://americangeophysicalunion.tumblr.com/>
> <https://www.instagram.com/americangeophysicalunion/>
> <https://www.youtube.com/user/AGUvideos>
> *From: *Esip-sustainabledm <esip-sustainabledm-bounces at lists.esipfed.org>
> on behalf of Nancy Hoebelheinrich via Esip-sustainabledm <
> esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>
> *Reply-To: *Nancy Hoebelheinrich <nhoebel at kmotifs.com>
> *Date: *Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 4:55 PM
> *To: *"esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org" <
> esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [Esip-sustainabledm] folder for repository guidelines
> manuscript
> Hello, everyone:
> Apologies for missing the call last Friday.  I had planned to attend, but
> apparently lost my mind or at least memory on that day(!).  I wanted to add
> a little more context to the suggestion about creating guidelines on
> repositories based on the discussion that happened at the Data Stewardship
> face to face meeting in January which gave rise to the idea.  The context
> might change the focus or approach a bit, so wanted to provide it since not
> all of those who are discussing the idea were present at that meeting.
> The issue came up from both a senior researcher and a data manager who
> said that they are often asked from other researchers (or “customers” I
> suppose you could say from the data manager’s POV) what is the best way/
> place to store their research data (and why).  While each of them can
> answer that question in their own way based on their experience and
> exposure to archives and/or repositories, they have not been able to find a
> reference that they can point to which would provide good, fairly quick
> answers to these kinds of questions.  They thought a guide targeted to _
> *researchers*_ would be the most effective;  we also discussed turning
> the information into a tutorial or learning resource that could be
> referenced as well (and, of course, included in registries of such learning
> resources!).  We talked about taking this on as an activity as part of the
> Data Stewardship Committee, but haven’t yet come up with a plan for how to
> do that.  So, I am very glad that the Sustainability cluster is interested
> in working on this.  What I might suggest as an approach, though, based on
> the discussion at the ESIP Winter meeting is to see if we could come up
> with a survey or some other way to ask the folks (our colleagues) who get
> these kinds of questions from others what are the most frequently asked
> questions that they get from researchers or the areas that are most
> puzzling and troublesome to researchers who are [simply] trying to be
> responsible about putting their research data somewhere, but don’t want to
> get into the nitty gritty details.  The survey results could help guide the
> areas to discuss within this broad topic, and may also help the group
> decide how best to represent the answers to the questions, i.e., as a
> manuscript è paper, or a checklist, a FAQ, a tutorial, etc.
> Anyway, I will plan on attending future cluster meetings, and offer what
> help I can on this activity.  I think this could be a good resource!  I am
> assuming that the group would be looking for already existing resources
> that might provide useful, and that is part of what could / should be
> included in this folder or in zotero.  Is that correct?
> Nancy
> [image: _LOGOhiResTRANSPARENT_4800pxRGB] <https://kmotifs.com/>
> Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich
> Information Analyst/Principal
> nhoebel at kmotifs.com
> San Mateo, CA  94401
> (v) 650-302-4493
> (f) 650-745-3333
> https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6797-7903
> *From:* Esip-sustainabledm [mailto:
> esip-sustainabledm-bounces at lists.esipfed.org] *On Behalf Of *Margaret
> O'Brien via Esip-sustainabledm
> *Sent:* Monday, May 11, 2020 10:56 AM
> *To:* esip-sustainabledm
> *Subject:* [Esip-sustainabledm] folder for repository guidelines
> manuscript
> Hi all -
> I created a google-drive space for our manuscript. Here is the folder
> link, which should be editable by all (GD has changed its forms a bit...):
> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JtilFsKtmB4k3_k-dbVS-EsbM8HFQur1?usp=sharing
> There are 2 docs: a readme, and a COPY of the text we got from Shelley. So
> please make edits in the COPY, direct link here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/17vw5NyrxbMJc-QK_Dr5FT-nsF4_E86jdVlJSBeXBJEU/edit#heading=h.xxxz967ga2no
> Margaret O'Brien
> ORCID: 0000-0002-1693-8322
> Information Management
> Marine Science Institute, UCSB
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106
> 805-893-2071 (voice)
> http://environmentaldatainitiative.org
> http://sbc.marinebon.org
> http://sbc.lternet.edu
> _______________________________________________
> Esip-sustainabledm mailing list
> Esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org
> https://lists.esipfed.org/mailman/listinfo/esip-sustainabledm
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