[Esip-sustainabledm] Please review pages 8-10 of the CARE paper draft

Ruth Duerr ruth.duerr3 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 03:09:55 EDT 2023

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the comments and keep them coming!  I hope to have a more complete draft before the ESIP meeting next week.  Also, if you have some good non-ELOKA examples for any of the recommendations, we’d love to get them included - pointers please!  I’d like to see lots of examples in the paper; but really ELOKA was my only real experience in this area and most of the folks on the writing team don’t have a lot more…. 

I especially appreciate the GIDA updates since I wasn’t really involved with that, so could only go by what I can find in writings and such.

I’ll see if I can open the paper up for comments more broadly.  Will talk to our lead Margaret about that - she and I are co-book bosses at this point.  Trying to weed pages and pages of text down to something manageable and useful.


> On Jul 11, 2023, at 6:39 PM, Mark Parsons <parsonsm.work at icloud.com> wrote:
> <paper_draft_april2023.docx>

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