[Esip-sustainabledm] Introduction to CARE Principles Presentation?

Mathew Biddle - NOAA Federal mathew.biddle at noaa.gov
Tue Aug 9 11:59:21 EDT 2022

Hi ESIP Sustainable Data Management Cluster!

Our data management and cyberinfrastructure community is interested in
learning more about the CARE principles. We're curious if anyone in this
cluster would be interested in giving an "introduction to CARE principles"
presentation on Thursday, August 25 at 3:00 pm ET?
It would only be 10 minutes or so...

It's a technical group so the conversation will most likely dive into
implementation details, including appropriate indigenous metadata citation.

If you are interested and available, please feel free to reply back to me
and we can coordinate from there.



Mathew Biddle, Physical Scientist
US Integrated Ocean Observing System Office
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring MD 20910

ORCiD: 0000-0003-4897-1669 <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4897-1669>
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