[ESIP-all] Proposals for travel to regional NSTA open to all ESIP members

Rita Freuder rita.freuder at unh.edu
Mon Nov 28 11:03:12 EST 2005

Carol Meyer,
    I am hoping this gets to all esip members,  but if I am not able to 
send to all, will you please forward.  Thanks, Rita

Proposals to the National Science Teachers Association regional 
     There is funding from the ESIP Ed Committee  which may be only 
partial support to travel to the NSTA regionals.   The three regionals 
in 2006 are:

Oct 19-21  Omaha - Mid-West
Nov 2-4    Baltimore - Eastern
Dec 7-9    Salt Lake City - Western

If your institute or organization is near one of these cities, consider 
giving a presentation.

The funds will be distributed evenly among the 3 venues ($600 each), 
unless decided otherwise by the Chair and Vice Chair due to 
cirucumstances (such as if there are no proposals for one of the 
venues) Proposals should go to Alan Gould agould at berkeley.edu and 
Margaret Margaret.Mooney at ssec.wisc.edu

A proposal will consist of the abstract that you have submitted to the 
NSTA online form (deadline Jan 15th, but open now) and an estimate of 
your expenses - e.g. driving costs, parking, registration or airfare, 
etc. Note that NSTA registration is $95 for non-members for one day.  
Your presentation (but not necessarily your abstract) must include 
mention of the ESIP Federation Education products and portal, and 
mention of some of the other members products, in addition to your own 
focus. It has been my experience that titles with the word "free" help 
draw audiences. In the case of multiple proposals, the Chair and Vice 
Chair will decide how to divide the funds.  You will be notified by end 
of January by the Ed Committee.  Notification of NSTA accepted 
proposals is in May.

NSTA: http://www.nsta.org   -- left navigation bar to conventions.

Contact Rita Freuder if you have any questions about the process.

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