[Esip-dds] DDS telecon follow up

Kempler, Steven J. (GSFC-5860) steven.j.kempler at nasa.gov
Wed Sep 11 16:20:02 EDT 2013

Hi All,
Anne, thanks for leading the charge.  I realize I have been pretty silent
on this really good documentation development, so please excuse me for
coming in with some observations at this advanced stage.  As said, the
document looks good and is full of very significant information. There are
a couple of things I think, if addressed, will make the document even
stronger.  I think a little reorganization of the material that emphasizes
what is driving the need for a Data Decadal Survey (DDS) and what
beneficial outcomes are expected for the survey.  In other words, why are
we writing this article.

The progression in which I read the current article follows like this:

1 - Scientific Data Everywhere...: Introductory material. We have lots of
data that we would like to gain knowledge, if not wisdom from
2 - What it means...: This gets expanded into the new world, describing
analytics  (I like this)
3 - Weaknesses, Risks...: Then, the issues of data practices not keeping
up with data needs (all valid concerns) are introduced, but do not really
reflect that these issues are related to the advancements discussed
4 - Current Efforts: ...for making scientific data available and useful.
This brings in organizations that address the issues discussed in the
previous section.
5 - Data Science:  "There is also is the emergence of the "data scientist"
as new discipline."  I really like this section, but I ma not sure what it
relates to when it starts off with "also".  I am pretty sure it means:
'other ways of making data available and useful.
6 - The need for a grander vision:  This almost seems introductory because
it sets the big picture
7 - A Data Decadal Survey - This seems to be the 'findings' of the
article, the message that we want to get across based on what we
previously wrote
8 - Conclusion:  Looks good

I think if we can describe to the reader what the need for, and purpose
of, the DDS up front, then the reader would better understand the context
of the information that follows.  So for example, an organization like

- Introduction
- Background
- Challenges in Using Earth Science Data

- Looking Forward:  Bigger Challenges
- Current Efforts That Address Challenges

- The Need for a DDS
- Conclusions

Modifying the order of the current article, but will probably need some
movement of sentences and additional text:

- Introduction:
      6 - The need for a grander vision:  This almost seems introductory
because it sets the big picture

- Background:
      1 - Scientific Data Everywhere...: Introductory material. We have
lots of data that we would like to gain knowledge, if not
wisdom from
      2 - What it means...: This gets expanded into the new world,
describing analytics

- Challenges in Using Earth Science Data:
      3 - Weaknesses, Risks...: Then, the issues of data practices not
keeping up with data needs (all valid concerns) are introduced, but do not
really reflect that these issues are related to the advancements discussed
earlier,.  But we really need to tie the identified issues and background
material together better

- Looking Forward: Bigger Challenges:
      5 - Data Science: "There is also is the emergence of the "data
scientist" as new discipline." I really like this section, but I ma not
sure what it relates to when it starts off with "also". I am pretty sure
it means: 'other ways of making data available and useful.

- Current Efforts That Address Challenges:
      4 - Current Efforts: ...for making scientific data available and
useful.  This brings in organizations that address the issues discussed in
the previous section.  We should probably also say how they address the

- The Need for a DDS:
      7 - A Data Decadal Survey - This seems to be the 'findings' of the
article, the message that we want to get across based on what we
previously wrote

- Conclusions:
      8 - Conclusion:  Looks good

Just some thoughts, Steve

On 9/5/13 4:58 PM, "Anne Wilson" <anne.wilson at lasp.colorado.edu> wrote:

>Hi DDS cluster,
>Thank you to those who attended our telecon today.  On the wiki page for
>the telecon, I wrote some highlights and identified action items,
>http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Telecon_09.05.13_materials.  Note that
>we'll have another telecon two weeks from today.
>Note also that we plan to request that we become an ESIP Working Group.
>  If you have thoughts regarding this and weren't able to make the
>telecon, please share them.
>For convenience, here are the action items:
>Chris: 1) outline, 2) new draft for EOS article
>Carol: ping Lee Allison next week, help w/ draft rationale to Excomm
>regarding becoming a Working Group (which she has *already* done!)
>Anne: look into requirements regarding references for an EOS 'feature
>article', ask Curt to ask Excomm to make us a Working Group
>Erin: make us a venue for us to hold a telecon on Thu, 9/19
>Thanks, all!
>Esip-dds mailing list
>Esip-dds at lists.esipfed.org

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