[Esip-disasters] Invitation - Information Quality Cluster at Winter ESIP Meeting - today at 2pm eastern

Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] karen.moe at nasa.gov
Thu Jan 12 11:32:36 EST 2017

Greetings from the ESIP Winter Meeting again –

I volunteered to represent the Disasters Lifecycle Cluster at this Information Cluster Session. So last night I looked through our conversations on Trusted Data last year and discovered that we didn’t really define it. Instead we discussed some characteristics, and built on its potential use in Data-Driven Decision Making. In a search for “define trusted data” I came across some ideas that I think will be useful for us and plan to share them on the cluster session panel at 2:00pm today. (See attached notes.) Your comments are welcome, however I hope we will be able to pursue our Trusted Data theme this year.


If you would like to join remotely, here’s the details.

Information Quality CLuster - Fostering Collaborations <https://2017esipwintermeeting.sched.com/event/9BKD/information-quality-cluster-fostering-collaborations#>

Thursday January 12, 2017 2:00pm - 3:30pm
White Flint Amphitheater<https://2017esipwintermeeting.sched.com/venue/White+Flint+Amphitheater>

  *   Commons Link http://commons.esipfed.org/node/9508
  *   Check In Here imhere.esipfed.org/<http://imhere.esipfed.org/>
  *   Remote Participation Link global.gotomeeting.com/join/543496349<https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/543496349>
  *   Remote Participation Access Code 543-496-349
  *   Remote Participation Phone # (872) 240-3311


The goals of the Information Quality Cluster (IQC) as expressed in the Strategic Plan are: 1. Bring together people from various disciplines to assess aspects of quality of Earth science data; 2. Establish and publish baseline of standards and best practices for data quality for adoption by inter-agency and international data providers; and 3. Build a framework for consistent capture, harmonization, and presentation of data quality for the purposes of climate change studies, Earth science and applications. Moving towards these goals, the IQC has been collecting and evaluating use cases to help identify issues and analyze them to arrive at recommendations for improvements in capturing, describing, enabling discovery and facilitating use of data quality information. The purpose of this session will be to collaborate with other ESIP clusters whose primary emphasis is on utilization of Earth science data for research and applications. The purpose of the collaboration will be to answer questions such as: What type of quality information is needed for their applications? Are they easy to find? Are they complete and easy to understand? What level of data quality is important for their applications (what can they “get away with”? What improvements should be made in conveying quality information?

A brief introduction will be provided to familiarize new attendees with the IQC. Brief presentations will be made by invited panelists from other ESIP clusters such as the Disaster Lifecycle Cluster and Agriculture and Climate Cluster representing data users’ perspectives, and a panelist from the data provider community. The presentation will be followed by a discussion period to identify gaps and approaches to filling the gaps and addressing issues.


  *   Introduction to Information Quality Cluster and Status - David Moroni - 8 minutes
  *   Panelist Presentations (Total of 32 minutes)
     *   Agriculture and Climate Cluster - Jeff Campbell (USDA) - 8 minutes
     *   Disaster Lifecycle Cluster - Karen Moe (NASA/GSFC) - 8 mintues
     *   CEOS/WGCV Land Product Validation - Pierre Guillevic (U of MD) - 8 minutes
     *   Obs4MIPS - Robert Ferraro (JPL) - 8 minutes
  *   Discussion - 50 minutes

From: "Moroni, David F (398G)" <David.F.Moroni at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:David.F.Moroni at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 10:56 AM
To: Karen Moe <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Hampapuram Ramapriyan <hampapuram.ramapriya at ssaihq.com<mailto:hampapuram.ramapriya at ssaihq.com>>, Dave Jones <dave at stormcenter.com<mailto:dave at stormcenter.com>>, Ge Peng - NOAA Affiliate <ge.peng at noaa.gov<mailto:ge.peng at noaa.gov>>, "Law, Emily S (JPL-3980)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]" <emily.s.law at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:emily.s.law at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Subject: Re: Invitation - Information Quality Cluster at Winter ESIP Meeting

Hi Karen,

Thanks for responding to the invitation. As Rama indicated below, both myself and Ge Peng will be leading the IQC panel discussion tomorrow afternoon.

While I realize it is short notice for you, anything that you can put together for an 8 minute summary presentation on the Disaster cluster's perspective on issues such as data trustworthiness and overall information/data quality issues that are most concerning to the stakeholders in your cluster would be most helpful. This can include specific datasets as examples, however it would perhaps be more valuable to know more of the high level issues and concerns being faced and addressed by your cluster.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 11, 2017, at 10:16 AM, Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>> wrote:

Hi Rama,

Just wanted to let you know that I am attending the meeting this week in Bethesda and will participate in the Info Quality Cluster on Thursday afternoon. I apologize that this hasn’t been on my radar, but I will review the Disasters cluster’s thought on what we’ve been calling trusted data. If this will still be useful for your panel I would be available to contribute. Either way I will attend the session.


On Oct 27, 2016, at 10:29 AM, Hampapuram Ramapriyan <hampapuram.ramapriya at ssaihq.com<mailto:hampapuram.ramapriya at ssaihq.com>> wrote:
Karen and Dave,
I have tentatively put in a session proposal assuming that we will have one of you on the panel for discussion in the Information Quality Cluster session. Please let me know if that will work. The session abstract is given below. Proposal is at http://commons.esipfed.org/node/9508.

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