[Esip-disasters] Please consider submitting an abstract to AGU 2023 Session – Earth Observations for Risk and Resilience Assessment

Margaret Glasscoe mtg0014 at uah.edu
Thu Jul 6 10:14:10 EDT 2023

 Dear Colleagues, 
We invite you to submit abstracts to our AGU 2023 Session Earth Observations for Monitoring and Assessment of Risk and Resilience of Communities and Infrastructures <https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/gateway.cgi>
Session ID: <> 188941
Section: Natural Hazards 
Session Description: The availability of large volume of imagery at high spatial and temporal resolutions from various sources (small satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles) and advancements in artificial intelligence (e.g., off-the-shelf deep learning models) have enabled implementation of near real-time analytics to inform decisions about risk, resilience, response and recovery. Considering that extreme events pose threats to critical infrastructures and contribute to cascading infrastructure failures, providing timely and reliable information to authorities and stakeholders about pre-disaster conditions, post-disaster damage, and recovery progression is crucial for response management, resource allocation, recovery activities, and risk reduction from future events. 
In this session, we invite papers focusing on data and image fusion, algorithms and models for near real-time analytics, emerging theories and methods for disaster informatics visualization tools and platforms, data quality and model uncertainties, ethics of using EO and AI for risk and resilience monitoring and assessment, and future directions to meet climate changes. The session will provide opportunity for researchers, scientists and professionals to present their work to a diverse audience. 
SUBMIT ABSTRACT <https://email.agu.org/OTg3LUlHVC01NzIAAAGMWdW1x9btY31CzZKBfq7i5r27eiL66tNaqPvuMNAtU7W7zQW27wlvntRG9PtRo7GD7fuTqNo=>
Session Conveners
Margaret Glasscoe, UAH
Bandana Kar, DOE
Guy Schumann, ImageCat Inc.
ZhiQiang Chen, UMKC
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