[Esip-documentation] ACDD: call reminder, agenda tweak, email list?

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Thu Dec 11 15:19:46 EST 2014

Looking forward to seeing you on the call at 4 PM/1 PM, in about 45 minutes.

One addition to the agenda is how we (Documentation Cluster) approve this baby -- I'd really like to have it approved before the winter meeting. If we resolve the remaining issues today, I'll propose an initial vote at a (very brief) ESIP Documentation call next week (yes, during AGU, usual time), followed by a Doodle poll vote for 2 weeks. That's a little different but it feels sufficient, given how long it's been discussed.

Also, is there an email list to which users of the specification can direct questions? Is this this list?  I think we should include that info in the specification, or at least in the site.


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